Frontiers and Dynamism
Once I found the right, high-quality online community for me, it quickly became a big part of my life. It just clicked. It was so easy to enter, and the costs were nothing but a little free time. It quickly became a habit to check in and participate. To exchange ideas with people who think more like me than anyone I know in real life. It’s so refreshing to have different conversations about different ideas. To have what feels like a different place to visit, where I feel I belong and am welcome and valued.
That might sound lame or nerdy, but consider the alternative. The discourse in America is so boring. It’s getting so old. The same old fights. Maybe instead of being frustrated with the people who happen to be located in the same country, state, or city as us, we should choose to spend more time with people we really vibe with online. We’re already spending more time online. And the experiences will just get more and more engaging. Maybe that’s actually good. Maybe that allows us to temporarily teleport out of this mire and drop back in with new ideas. The new form of travel, broadening your horizons and mind. Cheaper than ever. Safer than ever.

Humans’ ability to imagine different realities and make them happen is our magical gift. Increasingly powerful virtual environments expand our abilities. They make our imaginations our superpowers. So let’s embrace it and create like never before. Throw out a million different ideas for where we want to go, and try thousands of them. We need dynamism, experimentation. We’re stuck.
Humans are curious creators, explorers. When physical exploration and connection was curtailed, we immediately switched to digital exploration and connection, and it actually went surprisingly well, though with serious problems. Now we just have more to explore with this nascent Metaverse. Can’t be bad.
The problem with the physical world is that it’s somewhat static and it takes a long time to get to different places in it. It’s really easy to get stuck in a routine seeing the same things and people and making no progress. Now we have a parallel world that we can zip around instantaneously. More space for our curious minds to roam and meet other curious minds. Space to imagine and prototype and make plans. Why the hell not? We’re pretty stuck here in the real world.